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    We are all in this great big project together, we might as well know who our coworkers are. 

    My intention with this page is to brag about my travels.  I've had some adventures in the past few years and taken some pictures, so here's where you'll find them.

Click here for a map of some these places (and more) from Windows Live Local


When Why How Long
Sardegna, Italia May, 2006 Giulio Usai & Sara Elder's wedding 3 days
Pisa, Italia May, 2006 Giulio Usai & Sara Elder's wedding 2 days
Patras, Greece May 2006 ILIAS-CERN-CAST Axion Physics Worksop 5 days
Dallas, Texas, USA April 2006 Apker Award Ceremony 4 days
Chamonix, Switzerland January, 2006 Holiday 2 days
Geneva, Switzerland June, 2005 - June 2006 ATLAS at CERN 365 days!
Zaragoza, Espana March, 2005 Semana Santa 2 weeks
Madrid, Espana January, 2005 Cabalgata de Reyes 2 days
Campo, Espana December, 2004 Skiing holiday 4 days
Teroleja, Espana December 2004 Holiday 1 week
Zaragoza, Espana September, 2004 Holiday 1 week
Geneve, Switzerland June-September, 2004 CAST at CERN 4 months
Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland August, 2003 Holiday 4 days
Roma, Italia August, 2003 Holiday 9 days
Firenze, Italia August, 2003 Holiday 5 days
Geneve, Switzerland July-August 2003 CAST at CERN 5 weeks

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